Saturday, June 21, 2008

Notes from the Shala...

Asana and injury, and the purpose of stopping at postures you have not yet mastered...

Regarding asana and injury, Sharath explained that many people get frustrated when they have injury (yoga or otherwise) - many people also feel to not practice when injured. He explained that the yoga will heal you! If you are injured and you use the breath and bandhas properly, modifying as you need in the asanas, your yoga practice will heal your body. Thus, when you do become injured continue to practice each day, simply modify the asanas as necessary.

Sharath was also asked why he stops us in asanas, what is the purpose, and should we follow this prescription for our practice once we return home. I loved loved loved that she asked this question - because back home in Orlando so many people want to keep going keep going - people do led practice all the time so why should they stop in mysore with asanas they obviously cannot do - it behooves me but then again it is obvious that some people really don't get the WHY. Well Sharath explained that when he stops us at a posture we have not mastered, we are forced to think about and work on that asana instead of spending the whole of our lives just doing the postures and never mastering ANY! He explained that when we do the entire practice in this way we are never doing yoga, we are merely doing stretches in some order. When we stop at an asana we cannot preform with ease of breath and movement, we will spend more time and more focus on that asana until we do eventually get it. He told a story of how Guruji didn't give him any new postures in over two years at one point when he was working on fifth series. I have always told my students that it doesn't matter which posture you are stuck on, becasue you will ALWAYS be stopped somewhere - so let us not mull over our own egos - instead let's enjoy this amazing journey!