Monday, June 16, 2008

A little more about Michiko...

Where are you from originally?
I was born in Germany (my dad worked for American Express) and grew up mostly in Central Washington.

What brought you to your first yoga class?
I attended my first yoga class while traveling in India. I attended a one week workshop in Rishikesh where we learned Surya Namaskar A and B. However, the primary focus was breath and philosophy. It was an amazing experience. Most tourists in Rishikesh were there to practice yoga, learn sanskrit, and be close to the Ganga.
Do you participate in any other kind of consistent physical exercise?
Before finding yoga, I had two knee surgeries (a result of several skiing injuries and a volley ball injury) which limited my physical activities to hiking and bike riding. I limited my activities because I was afraid of reinjuring my knees. Once I began practicing yoga, I felt a renewed confidence and trust in body. I still feel a little trepidation about my knees, but that fear no longer inhibits my physical pursuits.
What are you reading right now?
I am currently on a Japanese literature kick and am reading "The Warrior Kumagai."
Do you have a hobby or interest that you have that we don't know about?
I am currently not engaged in any hobbies. I am busy learning how to be a mother, a wife, and a multiprofessional woman.

Michiko has recently returned from maternity leave and teaches the popular Sunday 4pm Level 1 class.