Thursday, February 21, 2008

ja*lu: grow up organic

ja*lu is a local company started by an entrepreneurial, philanthropic, eco-conscious mom. go to their website complete with online store and wholesale options for more information or read below..

the motivation

What can I say, having children changes the way you look at life, and it's been no different for me. I love staying home with my boys, but also craved the sense of accomplishment I had in the professional life. My goal was to create a company that allowed both and could actually make a difference in areas that are important to me. That is when I came up with the idea for an organic line of baby gear. I see it as an opportunity to take care of our environment and our babies with products that are made with both in mind, after all, they both deserve our best.

the philanthropy

ja*lu believes in giving back and will be donating 5% of profits to selected charities. Listed below are a few of the charities ja*lu will be supporting through product and financial donations.

Sacred Heart Children’s Hospital: This hospital holds a special place in our hearts as it has served my own family through various illnesses and continues to serve the community of Spokane and the Inland Northwest. If you would like to learn more about this special place, please visit the Sacred Heart Children’s Hospital at

International Breastmilk Project: This amazing charity, founded by Jill Youse , sends donated breastmilk to orphans in Africa, who were orphaned due to poverty and AIDS. The gift of breastmilk is life changing, and life saving. If you would like to learn more about how they are changing the world, please visit their site at