Monday, October 22, 2007

City Yoga Away Team - Bon Voyage Lars

Most of you probably know Lars, or at least have seen him around the studio, pretty much daily for the last four years. I should let Lars tell his own story (he's a really good story teller), so I'll just give you a synopsis - he was first introduced to Ashtanga Yoga by Dave Oliver when I brought Dave to Spokane in the spring of 2003. Lars had done a few sessions of yoga at Harmony Yoga but was not really finding what he was looking for. When he met Dave, he felt he had found it - and after that weekend he was hooked. He started coming to my classes regularly, and probably hasn't missed many days of practice since. A beginner to Ashtanga yoga at the age of (I'm probably going to get this wrong) but I think 58 or 59 - which I think is inspiring and proves that age is more a state of mind than anything. Over the years I've had the privilege of watching Lars practice, I don't remember this but he said that when he started he weighed about 190 pounds and now is a svelte 155lbs. Something else you might not know about Lars is that he's not as menacing as he looks, he loves rap, gardening, kids and talking. Lars has already travelled to see Guruji once when he was here in the US a couple of years ago. But today he is leaving on a three month adventure to India and Malaysia. He is on his way right now to Bangalore - but first stopping in Singapore, where he has a day layover and has already scoped out an Ashtanga class to attend. The to Bangalore where he will stay for a week with Sree's brother and take classes from a relative of the Jois clan. Then to Mysore! Lars will be in Mysore for one month and then he is off to study with Lino Miele in Kovalam from December 9 - January 4th. I've asked Lars to send us a few pictures and words for the blog so we can follow him and his exciting travels. Lars, give our love to Guruji! Travel safe!


Tom Deutschman said...

Lars, you are an inspiration!
