This blog entry was inspired by an article in the latest issue of Elephant, which I used to get for the studio, but have you noticed, stopped? If you are missing your free copy of Elephant talk to me about it.
Lose a car, save $340/month = $4080/year (City of
Want to start riding your bike to work? Need some support? 206.224.9252 - info@bicyclealliance.org Go to http://www.bicyclealliance.org/ –
Also, the Spokane Bike Club has a program called Bike Buddy, where you can get tips about commuting, and even sign up to get an experienced mentor to help you figure out the best route to take, where to park your bike etc…
Another resourse is a local cicycling blog written by the dad of one of the kids Lucy goes to school with.
And with any luck we will be getting a bike rack for the studio soon!
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