Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Six days a week...

“Aren’t you going a little overboard with this yoga thing?” Comments such as these have been abundant this week, in addition to hints that I am becoming “obsessed” and choosing yoga over other priorities. I find myself struggling to find a compromise within myself to honor all the commitments in my life, take care of those closest to me, and take care of myself. Initially I questioned myself…”Maybe I shouldn’t practice so much” Thoughts of guilt, uncertainty and sadness ensued. At the end of all these emotions that I experienced, I had an “a ha” moment. Deep in my heart I know I would never let something come in the way of my family, but as I continue to practice yoga I realize I am finding a way to be at peace with myself and my life. Hopefully as I continue on my journey, those around me will be able to see the benefits (both physical and mental) that I already feel.

On the asana front I have added the first six poses from the Second Series after completing the Primary on my self practice days. I was a bit apprehensive to try it but after Katie mentioned that it would only add about 8 minutes to the practice, I thought I’d give it a shot. The combination of back strengtheners and back extenders (backbends) have been a great complement to my practice. I also find that I have more focus on my bandas during the second series for some reason.

I have experienced one less than positive situation this week that I’m hopeful yoga will help me through. It appears that the symptoms of my rheumatoid arthritis are beginning to rear their ugly head. I have been virtually symptom free for the past 4 years, which I attribute to hormones associated with pregnancy and nursing. When I have flared in the past I usually got pissed, felt sorry for myself and dwelled on what this disease was preventing me from doing. This time I have a different mindset. I’m going to celebrate each day that my body allows me to come to my mat. If I’m stiffer, so be it. If I have less range of motion, so be it. At least I’m still practicing. And loving every moment!