Saturday, September 15, 2007

Do you have the funk? is possible that most of this is in my head, but I am aware of the fact that a lot of times on the days that I practice and then teach, sorry to be crass, but I definitely have the funk. I also feel like I smell worse since having Grace, which I remember happening after I had Lucy. Anyway since that time I have been in search of a deodorant (sans antiperspirant) that did not make me smell like a magazine, but that works! Alas - I think I've found it. FUNK BUTTER by Oyin Handmades seems to have solved my problem. I ordered a bunch to sell at the studio so we can share in the ridiculously high shipping! According to their website baking soda is their funk fighting odor absorbing ingredient along with micro fine vegetable powders and absorbing clays to keep you cool. A friend gave me a little supply to try out and it TOTALLY works! Yeah for me and well I guess yeah for you guys too!