Friday, March 30, 2007

End of March at City Yoga

March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb - right? Welcome Spring, welcome flowers, birds, being outside with children, gardening, welcome warm studio! Speaking of the studios below are Lars and Shelley this morning. They make it look so easy! I video'd them doing their jumpbacks, my camera doesn't have the longest videoing capability. Fun....

A couple of things to update you on:

Sri K. Pattabhi Jois - We have Guruji to thank for the many forms of light our practice has manifested in our lives. Most of us have received his teachings indirectly, some of us have had the honor of meeting him in person, where even though we were among 250 other students we witnessed his love and smile generously given to each of us. His life's work has been unwavering, consistent and dedicated to the teaching of this practice, as his belief is so strong that the practice of Yoga is the pathway of knowing our true selves. Every time you make the time to get on your mat you honor your own self and you honor Gurui and his life's work.

It was great to see a lot of people at the Dave Stringer kirtan last Sunday night. It was really amazing to see so many faces that I'd never seen before really enjoying and singing along. Dave's kirtan was really nice, I bought his CD "Mala" which I've been enjoying all week long in my car, and I've played it a couple of times at the studio. You can check out his music on his website and I think order from there as well. It would be great to have him back again.

David Garrigues is going to be at the Yoga Fitness Center in Missoula at the end of April. I am definitely going and am looking for people who want to road trip with me. If you are interested let me know. He is going to do a mysore practice on Friday morning at 9am but the weekend workshop part doesn't begin until Friday night. People have asked about when he is going to come here... most likely next Fall.

The April class schedule is online and will be available in paper form Monday, April 2. Check the website to make sure you know WHERE the class you are coming to will be. If it is on the South Hill it will say that. Pretty much all of the classes that I teach are now going to be held up on the 24th St. Studio.

Community Class: Meghan is going to start teaching a class on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:15pm to 5:15pm. It is called "Community Yoga" and was inspired by the class she was teaching for the Friends and Families of District 81 educators. We've decided to open this class up to anyone at the same discounted rate of $5 for a drop-in or $3 if you pay for the session in advance. The session is 9 weeks long and begins April 10th and will be held at the South Hill location. If you pay for the full nine week session your fee will be $54. Please let people know that we are now offering this class!

Also please join us for brunch at the Rockwood Bakery after class on Sunday mornings!

Much love,